Newsletter 31.1.25
Welcome to this week's newsletter
Welcome to this week's newsletter
5CH have had lots of exciting opportunities this half of the term.
RHS Garden Project with the Cloud Gardener
General notices
Junior Sports Stars February Holiday Camp: Please go onto the Junior Sports Stars website to book a place. A flyer is attached to this email. Spaces are still available.
Children’s Mental Health Week: Starting on Monday 5th February, we will be holding different events across the week to encourage pupils to develop a positive approach to their wellbeing. We invite children to come to school on Friday 9th February dressed in clothes that they feel the most confident and comfortable in - the theme is ‘express yourself’ to allow children to come dressed as they wish. Please can we ask for a voluntary donation of £1:00 for the charity Place2Be.
Online Parent Workshop: On Tuesday 5th March, Mrs Holt will run a virtual session for parents at 5pm. She will explain the Personal, Social and Health curriculum and answer any questions you may have about our approach to teaching Personal Development.
Course for parents: If we have enough interest (a minimum of 10 parents) we can provide some free informative parenting advice delivered in a friendly and accessible way. The sessions would either be immediately after drop off, or before pick up and would last for 2.5 hours. It would be a 6 week course after the Easter holiday. The outline is as follows:
How to make learning fun and how the importance of learning through play
Enjoying books, reading together and why it's important
What questions can you ask to check your child's understanding
Understand how schools teach spelling (phonics)
Understand the different types of writing children learn in school
To feel more confident discussing your child's progress at parents' evening
Boundaries, routines and screen time
If you are interested, please email
Survey on childcare: The Government is investing £289m nationally into expanding Wrap Around Childcare for working families of primary aged children. Manchester has received funding to expand and establish provision from September 2024 where it is identified as required. The Council wants to work with schools, parents, the out of school sector and childcare providers to develop sustainable and accessible provision that meets the needs of working parents. The first priority is to establish a clear baseline of what exists and where in the City and whether this is meeting the current and future needs of working families. Please help us by completing the parent/carer survey. The deadline for the surveys is 28th January 2024.
Parent survey:
Online Safety Parent Workshop: As shared last week, please find below the link to access the parent/carer session scheduled for Wednesday 31st January 2024 – 9.30am – 10.15am.
Attendees do not need to register, they simply click on the link at the above time to access the session. Cameras and voice/audio will be switched off for all attendees. Attendees can ask questions by typing in the Q&A box, but this will be explained during the session.
Last week This week
Whole school- 94.46% Whole School - 94.83%
Rec- 93.40% Rec- 97.26%
Year 1- 93.22% Year 1- 92.19%
Year 2- 94.07% Year 2- 96.66%
Year 3- 94.00% Year 3- 95.56%
Year 4- 96.35% Year 4- 93.31%
Year 5- 94.77% Year 5- 94.16%
Year 6- 95.75% Year 6- 94.10%
Winner Class- 4EB with 100%. Class Winner- 99.30% RZI- Bumblebees
Events and key dates
Friday 2nd February: Our choir and talented soloists will be performing at a major Trust event at Co-op Academy Belle Vue. They will shine brightly and impress all the guests!
Monday 5th February: Children’s Mental Health Week. We will be planning and delivering different activities to promote positive mental health throughout the week.
Monday 5th February: Visit to Central Library to meet an author - selected pupils throughout KS2
Tuesday 6th February: Safer Internet Day. We will send out resources for you to access to help you help your children stay safe online.
Thursday 8th February: Fire Service to come in for a workshop with Year 2
Thursday 8th February: Time to Talk Coffee Morning for parents at 9am
Friday 9th February: Spelling Bee for 3 of our best Year 6 spellers - wish us luck!
Friday 9th February: ‘Express Yourself’ home clothes day. Come dressed in whatever makes you feel most confident!
Friday 16th February: School finishes for the half term holiday
Monday 26th February: School opens for all pupils
Monday 26th February: Year 5 History / Drama workshops - please pay online via Arbor for this workshop
Tuesday 27th February: Year 3 FC to Manchester Museum. More details and payment options nearer the time.
Thursday 29th February: Year 3 IPLR to Manchester Museum. More details and payment options nearer the time.
Tuesday 5th March: Online parent workshop where you can find out about our Personal Development Curriculum. Log on at 5pm - joining details will be sent out nearer the time.
Friday 8th March: World Book Day. More details will be sent out nearer the time, but it would be lovely for pupils to come dressed as an adjective! For example:
Brave (dressed as a firefighter), Funny (dressed as a clown), Fierce (dressed as a lion), Scary (dressed as a monster), Sleepy (dressed in pyjamas), Excited (dressed as a puppy), Lively (dressed in multicolours)
Friday 8th March: Sign up online for a parents evening appointment
Tuesday 12th March: Book Fair in the hall after school each day this week. Come along to choose a book for your children from an excellent selection. The Book Fair will be open from 3:30 until 4:00 daily. More information will be sent out nearer the time.
Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st March: Parents Evening with a phone call option available.
Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March: Learning Alongside sessions. More details to follow but this is a chance for you to come in and work alongside your children.
Thursday 28th March: Last day of term.
General notices
Young Musician of the Year: This year, several of our pupils auditioned for the Trust’s Young Musician of the Year. Lillian, Lee, Zoe, Arad, Alexey and Kai all sent in video recordings of their musical talents. Huge congratulations to Arad, Alexey and Kai who have got through to the SEMI-FINALS of the Trust’s Young Musician of the Year competition. What a phenomenal achievement - we are so proud of you. Best of luck, boys - we are right behind you. Go and shine brightly!
Road Closures: Please be aware that there will be further roadworks and road closures in and around Redhill Street from Monday 22nd January. A web form will be available on the Council website – to allow people to feed back any live issues, and to let the Council know how the measures are working.
Course for parents: If we have enough interest (a minimum of 10 parents) we can provide some free informative parenting advice delivered in a friendly and accessible way. The sessions would either be immediately after drop off, or before pick up and would last for 2.5 hours. It would be a 6 week course after the Easter holiday. The outline is as follows:
How to make learning fun and how the importance of learning through play
Enjoying books, reading together and why it's important
What questions can you ask to check your child's understanding
Understand how schools teach spelling (phonics)
Understand the different types of writing children learn in school
To feel more confident discussing your child's progress at parents' evening
Boundaries, routines and screen time
If you are interested, please email
Survey on childcare: The Government is investing £289m nationally into expanding Wrap Around Childcare for working families of primary aged children. Manchester has received funding to expand and establish provision from September 2024 where it is identified as required. The Council wants to work with schools, parents, the out of school sector and childcare providers to develop sustainable and accessible provision that meets the needs of working parents. The first priority is to establish a clear baseline of what exists and where in the City and whether this is meeting the current and future needs of working families. Please help us by completing the parent/carer survey. The deadline for the surveys is 28th January 2024.
Parent survey
Online Safety Parent Workshop: Please see attached an information poster about a Parent/Carer e-safety information session on Wednesday 31st January 2024 – 9.30am – 10.15am. Pop this date in your diary and we will send you the link to join nearer the time.
This week
Whole school- 94.46%
Rec- 93.40%
Year 1- 93.22%
Year 2- 94.07%
Year 3- 94.00%
Year 4- 96.35%
Year 5- 94.77%
Year 6- 95.75%
Winner Class- 4EB with 100%. The first class to get 100% for the full week!
Events and key dates
Friday 2nd February: Our choir and talented soloists will be performing at a major Trust event at Co-op Academy Belle Vue. They will shine brightly and impress all the guests!
Monday 5th February: Children’s Mental Health Week. We will be planning and delivering different activities to promote positive mental health throughout the week.
Monday 5th February: Visit to Central Library to meet an author - selected pupils throughout KS2
Tuesday 6th February: Safer Internet Day. We will send out resources for you to access to help you help your children stay safe online.
Thursday 8th February: Fire Service to come in for a workshop with Year 2
Thursday 8th February: Time to Talk Coffee Morning for parents at 9am
Friday 9th: Spelling Bee for 3 of our best Year 6 spellers - wish us luck!
Friday 16th February: School finishes for the half term holiday
Monday 26th February: School opens for all pupils
Monday 26th February: Year 5 History / Drama workshops - please pay online via Arbor for this workshop
Tuesday 27th February: Year 3 FC to Manchester Museum. More details and payment options nearer the time.
Thursday 29th February: Year 3 IPLR to Manchester Museum. More details and payment options nearer the time.
Friday 8th March: World Book Day. More details will be sent out nearer the time, but it would be lovely for pupils to come dressed as an adjective! For example:
Brave (dressed as a firefighter), Funny (dressed as a clown), Fierce (dressed as a lion), Scary (dressed as a monster), Sleepy (dressed in pyjamas), Excited (dressed as a puppy), Lively (dressed in multicolours)
Friday 8th March: Sign up online for a parents evening appointment
Tuesday 12th March: Book Fair in the hall after school each day this week. Come along to choose a book for your children from an excellent selection. The Book Fair will be open from 3:30 until 4:00 daily. More information will be sent out nearer the time.
Tuesday 13th and Thursday 19th March: Parents Evening with a phone call option available.
Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March: Learning Alongside sessions. More details to follow but this is a chance for you to come in and work alongside your children.
Thursday 28th March: Last day of term.
Join us for a coffee, some biscuits and a chat!
Come along to the school hall on Thursday 8th February at 9:00.
General notices
Staffing: I hope that you will have read a letter from Ian Burchett, our Regional Director, letting you know that I will be leaving New Islington at Easter. I am incredibly proud of our staff team who work so hard, day in and day out, to make this school an amazing place; I know that the school will be in safe hands. The process of appointing a new Head Teacher is now underway with the aim to appoint a replacement by the February half term. This will give us half a term for a smooth hand-over before I finish in March.
Wraparound Bookings: Please can all parents who want to book a place in our Wraparound Club ensure that they have booked and paid for this place. There are too many parents who do not book their child into the club.
Online Safety: Please find attached a newsletter about online safety.
Events and key dates
Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th January: Health Screening for Reception pupils.
Friday 2nd February: Our choir and talented soloists will be performing at a major Trust event at Co-op Academy Belle Vue. They will shine brightly and impress all the guests!
Monday 5th February: Children’s Mental Health Week. We will be planning and delivering different activities to promote positive mental health throughout the week.
Tuesday 6th February: Safer Internet Day. We will send out resources for you to access to help you help your children stay safe online.
Thursday 8th February: Fire Service to come in for a workshop with Year 2
Thursday 8th February: Time to Talk Coffee Morning for parents at 9am
Friday 9th: Spelling Bee for 3 of our best Year 6 spellers - wish us luck!
Friday 16th February: School finishes for the half term holiday
Monday 26th February: School opens for all pupils
Monday 26th February: Year 5 History / Drama workshops - please pay online via Arbor for this workshop
Tuesday 27th February: Year 3 FC to Manchester Museum. More details and payment options nearer the time.
Thursday 29th February: Year 3 IPLR to Manchester Museum. More details and payment options nearer the time.
Friday 8th March: World Book Day. More details will be sent out nearer the time, but it would be lovely for pupils to come dressed as an adjective! For example:
Brave (dressed as a firefighter), Funny (dressed as a clown), Fierce (dressed as a lion), Scary (dressed as a monster), Sleepy (dressed in pyjamas), Excited (dressed as a puppy), Lively (dressed in multicolours)
Friday 8th March: Sign up online for a parents evening appointment
Tuesday 12th March: Book Fair in the hall after school each day this week. Come along to choose a book for your children from an excellent selection. The Book Fair will be open from 3:30 until 4:00 daily. More information will be sent out nearer the time.
Tuesday 13th and Thursday 19th March: Parents Evening with a phone call option available.
Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March: Learning Alongside sessions. More details to follow but this is a chance for you to come in and work alongside your children.
Thursday 28th March: Last day of term.
General notices
Happy New Year to all our families and the whole school community! Let’s hope that 2024 brings much happiness. On behalf of the staff, please can I thank you for your generous gifts at the end of last term. Gifts and thanks are never expected but always appreciated!
Don’t forget, if you have any concerns about the learning needs or wellbeing of your children, we are here to support you and help them.
Events and key dates
Monday 8th January: History/Drama Workshop for Year 2 pupils - Great Fire of London. Please pay via Arbor
Thursday 11th January: History/Drama Workshop for Year 4 pupils - The Romans. Please pay via Arbor
Friday 12th January: Year 6 Indoor Rowing Competition held here at school - please can all Year 6 come to school in their PE kits wearing trainers.
Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th January: Health Screening for Reception pupils.
Monday 5th February: Children’s Mental Health Week. We will be planning and delivering different activities to promote positive mental health throughout the week.
Following on from the Christmas break, it is important that you, as parents, also recognise the importance of looking after your own mental health. Please find attached a link to the NSPCC for some top tips on supporting your wellbeing. As always, we are here to support you as well as your children.
Tuesday 6th February: Safer Internet Day. We will send out resources for you to access to help you help your children stay safe online.
Tuesday 27th February: Year 3 FC to Manchester Museum. More details and payment options nearer the time.
Thursday 29th February: Year 3 IPLR to Manchester Museum. More details and payment options nearer the time.
Friday 8th March: World Book Day. More details will be sent out nearer the time, but it would be lovely for pupils to come dressed as an adjective! For example:
Brave (dressed as a firefighter), Funny (dressed as a clown), Fierce (dressed as a lion), Scary (dressed as a monster), Sleepy (dressed in pyjamas), Excited (dressed as a puppy), Lively (dressed in multicolours)
Friday 8th March: Sign up online for a parents evening appointment
Tuesday 12th March: Book Fair in the hall after school each day this week. Come along to choose a book for your children from an excellent selection. The Book Fair will be open from 3:30 until 4:00 daily. More information will be sent out nearer the time.
Tuesday 13th and Thursday 19th March: Parents Evening with a phone call option available.
Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March: Learning Alongside sessions. More details to follow but this is a chance for you to come in and work alongside your children.
Forest school
Our Forest School environment is too wet for full classes to access; it is a muddy bog due to the amount of rain. Reception pupils will continue attending in small groups every alternate Friday - however this will be postponed until the site dries up. Please keep an eye out on Tapestry and notices in the classroom windows.
Miss Morris and Mrs Topham gave two excellent workshops, introducing our new approach to behaviour management, focusing on the Zones of Regulation.
Regulation is something everyone continually works on whether we are aware of it or not. We all encounter trying circumstances that can test our limits. If we can recognise when we are becoming less regulated, we are able to do something about it to manage our feelings and get ourselves to a healthy place. This comes more naturally for some, but for others it is a skill that needs more attention and practice. This is the goal of The Zones of Regulation.
Feelings are complicated. They come in different sizes, intensities, and levels of energy that are unique within our brains and bodies. To make them easier to talk about, think about, and regulate, The Zones of Regulation organizes our feelings, states of alertness, and energy levels into four colored Zones – Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red. The simple, common language and visual structure of The Zones of Regulation helps make the complex skill of regulation more concrete for learners and those who support them. We learn to regulate our Zones to meet our goals and task demands, as well as support our overall well-being.
The BLUE ZONE describes low states of alertness and down feelings, such as when a person feels sad, tired, sick, hurt, lonely, or bored. Our energy is low and our body is moving slowly when we are in the Blue Zone.
When in the Blue Zone we often need to rest and recharge to meet our goals. We can regulate by seeking (or co-regulate by offering) comfort, energizing, or resting. If we are feeling sick in the Blue Zone, we may need to rest. If we are feeling tired, we may need to energize (depending on the context). If we are feeling sad, we may need comfort. In all these situations, the common theme is noticing our lower energy and/or down feelings and options for managing them.
The GREEN ZONE describes a calm, alert state. We may be feeling happy, focused, content, peaceful, or calm in the Green Zone. The nervous system feels safe, organized, and connected in the Green Zone, helping us be primed to learn. However, we can learn in other Zones too.
When in the Green Zone we regulate by using tools and supports that keep us moving forward comfortably, helping us feel ready to go! In the Green Zone, we might regulate by choosing to eat a healthy snack, exercise, take a break, or pause for a mindful moment. These restorative actions help us proactively care for ourselves so we can move forward with ease.
The YELLOW ZONE describes when our energy is higher, and our internal state starts to elevate. Our emotions get a little stronger. We may be experiencing stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, silliness, confusion, nervousness, be overwhelmed, or have the wiggles, when in the Yellow Zone.
In the Yellow Zone we may need to take action to regulate to manage our energy and feelings as they get stronger. For example, if we are feeling energetic at the lunch table it helps to use caution and take a deep breath, so we do not spill something. If we are feeling nervous before our performance, we can slow down our racing thoughts and speech by using a mindfulness tool. When we are frustrated, and pause to take notice, we can decide to take a break to collect ourselves before we say something we regret.
The RED ZONE describes a state of extremely high energy and intense, very overwhelming feelings. We may be in an extremely heightened state of alertness, potentially triggering our fight, flight, freeze or flee protective response. We may feel elated, euphoric, angry, rage, devastated, out of control, panicked, or terrified when in the Red Zone.
When in the Red Zone we might need to pause and assess if we need to regulate and gain a sense of control of our strong feelings and high energy. For example, if we are feeling angry, it may help to pause and count to 10 before we act. If we are panicked, we can stop and use our self-talk to help us gain a sense of control of our thoughts in order to meet our goal. If we are elated, such as when a teammate scores the winning point, we might need to pause and take a big breath to regulate our impulse to run out on the field to celebrate if there is still time on the clock.
A core belief of The Zones of Regulation is that all the Zones are okay. We routinely experience several of the Zones within a day. It’s critically important that we don’t convey the message that the Green Zone is the only acceptable Zone to be in. Acknowledge, accept, and support these feelings, never make anyone feel like the Green Zone is the norm.
Please find below their presentation, plus additional useful information for families.
Attendance information
Reception- 92.07% - well done - improved from last week
Year 1- 92.35%
Year 2- 94.25%
Year 3- 93.96%
Year 4 - 97.48% - well done - improved from last week
Year 5- 89.43%
Year 6- 94.61%- well done - improved from last week
Best attendance this week is 4EB Winner- 98.72%
General notices
Miss Morris is getting married on 16th December! We wish her much happiness and joy on her special day, and going forward. She will change her name to Mrs Holt. If you see Miss Morris next week, pop in to give her congratulations!
We say our fond farewells to Madame Flo. Madame Flo knows all our pupils from Reception through to Year 6 because of the part that she plays in our Forest School sessions. Madame Flo is always so kind, patient and encouraging. The children adore their forest school sessions because of the calm magic she brings. We will all miss her greatly and thank her for her dedication and hard work (in rain and shine) to ensure all our pupils gain so much from their time outside.
The Co-op Academies Trust have provided every pupil in all of their schools with a Christmas Selection box. Our thanks go to the Central team who organised 19,500 boxes to be delivered to all 32 schools.
Toys and games: Please can parents check their child’s school bag and pockets for toys, games, trinkets, notebooks, handbags with little bits and bobs inside etc. These cause issues in the classroom and playground, cause friendship problems, anxiety and take attention away from teaching and learning. Thank you for your support.
Events and key dates
Monday 11th November: Parent Forum at 2:30. Come along with questions and queries, as well as things you feel are going well.
Tuesday 12th December: Reception Christmas carol concert. Families are most welcome. Please arrive in time for a 9:30 start.
Wednesday 13th December: Key Stage One Carols and Readings. Families are most welcome. Please arrive in time for a 9:15 start.
Wednesday 13th December: Christmas Jumper Day - if your child has a festive jumper, they can wear it today.
Wednesday 13th December: Christmas Dinner Day. We will provide a roast dinner for all of our pupils; no need to bring a packed lunch today.
Wednesday 13th December: Parties for Reception, Years 1,2, 4 & 5. (Party clothes / Christmas Jumper)
Thursday 14th December: Music Concert. Parents of those performing are most welcome to attend. Please arrive in time for a 9:30 start.
Friday 15th December: Parties for Year 3&6 (home clothes / party clothes)
Friday 15th December: Last day of term.
Wednesday 3rd January: School starts for all pupils.
Monday 8th January: History/Drama Workshop for Year 2 pupils - Great Fire of London. Please pay via Arbor
Thursday 11th January: History/Drama Workshop for Year 4 pupils - The Romans. Please pay via Arbor
Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th January: Screening for Reception pupils.
Tuesday 27th February: Year 3 FC to Manchester Museum. More details and payment options nearer the time.
Thursday 29th February: Year 3 IPLR to Manchester Museum. More details and payment options nearer the time.
Forest school
Monday 11th December Year 4 Miss Ballentine
Friday 15th December Year 5 Mrs Lawson
Reception - alternate Fridays; please refer to the notices in classroom windows.
Attendance: We continue to monitor the number of pupils who arrive late. We have posted out invitations to an attendance meeting on Monday 11th December to our families who are persistently late.
Whole school- 94.06%
Reception- 87.88%
Year 1- 93.33%
Year 2- 95.0% Well done - improved from last week
Year 3- 97.05% Well done - improved from last week
Year 4 - 97.15%
Year 5- 94.3% F
Year 6- 94.44%
Best attendance this week is 3IP/LR at 99.11%
General notices
Elfridges: Elfridges is a wonderful way for your children to choose, wrap and give a secret present for their mum, dad or grandparents. Last day to buy your tickets is today!
Behaviour and Zones of Regulation Presentation: Following on from the parent workshop focussing on our behaviour policy and Zones of Regulation, held at 9am on Thursday 30th November, we are offering a virtual session on Monday 4th December at 5pm.
Please join the Monday virtual session using this link:
Online (Virtual) parent workshop - behaviour policy and Zones of Regulation
Monday, 4 December · 5:00 – 6:00pm
Time zone: Europe/London
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (GB) +44 20 3956 0231 PIN: 980 913 812#
More phone numbers:
Party invitations: Please can we politely request that parents hand out invitations / cards to parents discretely before or after school. Please do not hand it directly to the child. If you work full time and are never at school, please pass the invitations on to a friend to hand out. Please do not send invitations in with your child and ask them to hand them out, or ask our staff to do this for them. Many thanks for your cooperation.
Toys and games: Please can parents check their child’s school bag and pockets for toys, games, trinkets, notebooks, handbags with little bits and bobs inside etc. These cause issues in the classroom and playground, cause friendship problems, anxiety and take attention away from teaching and learning. Thank you for your support.
Events and key dates
Monday 4th December: An online version of the Behaviour / Zones of Regulation meeting 5pm. Joining details as above.
Tuesday 5th and Thursday 7th December: Parents evening for Year 6LB and Year 5CL. Book your appointment online via Arbor.
Thursday 7th November: Choir to perform at New Islington Medical Practice
Thursday 7th November: Elves come to school for the Elfridges event.
Monday 11th November: Parent Forum at 2:30. Come along with questions and queries, as well as things you feel are going well.
Tuesday 12th December: Reception Christmas Carol Concert. Families are most welcome. Please arrive in time for a 9:30 start.
Wednesday 13th December: Key Stage One Carols and Readings. Families are most welcome. Please arrive in time for a 9:15 start.
Wednesday 13th December: Christmas Jumper Day - if your child has a festive jumper, they can wear it today.
Wednesday 13th December: Christmas Dinner Day. We will provide a roast dinner for all of our pupils; no need to bring a packed lunch today.
Wednesday 13th December: Parties for Reception, Years 1,4 & 5. (Party clothes / Christmas Jumper)
Thursday 14th December: Music Concert. Parents of those performing are most welcome to attend. Please arrive in time for a 9:30 start.
Friday 15th December: Parties for Year 3&6 (home clothes / party clothes)
Friday 15th December: Last day of term.
Wednesday 3rd January: School start for all pupils.
Monday 8th January: History/Drama Workshop for Year 2 pupils - Great Fire of London. Please pay via Arbor
Thursday 11th January: History/Drama Workshop for Year 4 pupils - The Romans. Please pay via Arbor
Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th January: Screening for Reception pupils.
Tuesday 27th February: Year 3 FC to Manchester Museum. More details and payment options nearer the time.
Thursday 29th February: Year 3 IPLR to Manchester Museum. More details and payment options nearer the time.
Forest school
Monday 4th December Year 4 Miss Morris
Friday 8th December Year 2 Mr Jackson
Monday 11th December Year 4 Miss Ballentine
Friday 15th December Year 5 Mrs Lawson
Reception - alternate Fridays; please refer to the notices in classroom windows.