Children who attend 100% are 5 times more likely to work at, or above, the expected standard.
Co-op Academy New Islington recognises that regular school attendance is central to raising standards in education and improving the life chances of all children. Children are expected to attend school for 190 days each academic year. Parents of children of compulsory school age are, by law, required to ensure that their children receive a suitable education through regular attendance at school.
Absence through illness
If a child is unwell and will be staying at home, we need to be informed before 9.00am. Notification can be given in person, by phone call to 0161 273 8007.
Please note that we need to be informed by an adult family member. If a child is not in school without prior notification, we will contact parents to ascertain their child’s whereabouts.
Time out of school for medical/dental appointments
Appointments for dentists, doctors, hospitals etc are better made out of school hours or during holidays. We are aware that this is not always possible and so appointments either at the beginning or end of the school day can avoid too much disruption to children’s learning. For all appointments where a child may miss any time in school, we request that an appointment card or letter is brought to the school office in order that the time out of school can be authorised.
Children are expected in school by 8:50am. If they arrive later than 9:05am they will receive a late mark. Children arriving after 9:30am will not receive a mark for the morning. Children arriving late should report to the main school office. Children MUST be signed in by the adult bringing them to school and a reason for lateness must be provided.
Authorised & Unauthorised Absences
We are only allowed to authorise certain categories of absence. If your child is genuinely ill, then this is authorised. Our curriculum is carefully structured to teach your child important skills and knowledge throughout the term – therefore holidays during term time WILL NOT be authorised. We have a legal and moral obligation to ensure children are not prevented from learning – if you go ahead and take your child out of school a penalty charge may be issued, which will be £80.00 per parent per child.
We understand that sometimes exceptional and unavoidable circumstances arise that may warrant an authorised absence. When requesting time off during term time, please ensure that a Term Time Absence Form is completed and returned to the school for the Head Teacher to review.
The school will not authorise any form of absence for children who have an absence level of below 90% unless in exceptional circumstances or where a child has been ill for a period of time and has provided medical evidence.
Occasional absences should only be taken in unavoidable circumstances and at the Head Teacher’s discretion. Events that could take place at weekends or holidays such as visits to theme parks, museums, long weekends away etc will not be authorised unless in exceptional circumstances.
Where common patterns occur or attendance is poor, the attendance officer will monitor this closely. If there is no satisfactory improvement, you could face a penalty charge for sporadic attendance.