Newsletter 31.1.25

Welcome to this week's newsletter
Mr Berrys Message.
Dear Parents/Carers,
There's so much going on at New Islington at the moment! Just this week, children from our school competed against children from across the country in business presentations at Angel Square and others have experienced the world of engineering through virtual reality!
As January draws to a close, I would like to extend a personal thanks to all the staff at New Islington who work so hard to support the community.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mr Berry
Parents Evening
You can now book a 10 minute appointment to meet with your child's class teacher.
Go onto Arbor and you will see the link to be able to book a slot. Spaces get booked quickly so book now to avoid missing out on a time slot. The dates are Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th February from 15:40 to 18:00. If you need to change or cancel a slot, please speak to the school office.
Time To Talk Day
Friday 7th February
We’d love for you to join us at school on Friday 7th February for a ‘Time to Talk’ afternoon – a relaxed and welcoming event focused on mental well-being, conversation, and community.
What’s Happening?
1:15 PM - 2:00 PM: Full-body stretch class with Feren (Parent and PT)
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM: Time 2 Talk Afternoon Tea with special guest speaker Niamh Roberts from the NHS. Expect tea, cakes, bunting, and plenty of good conversation in a safe and supportive space.
This event is part of Time to Talk Day, a national initiative encouraging open conversations about mental health. Whether you fancy getting active, having a chat, or just enjoying a cuppa, everyone is welcome!
If you’d like to come along, please drop Miss O'Mahony a message at
Also, keep an eye out for our upcoming Time 2 Talk Walk email – a chance to unwind with a gentle stroll around the marina, good conversation, and a free coffee from a local barista on Friday 14th February.
We’d love to see as many of you there as possible at either of these events —just turn up, relax, and take some time for yourself.
Manchester Digital Campus
Please see the information that we have received regarding the proposed building on the former Central Retail Park. We will keep you informed of any developments as we get them.
Forest School Dates
It is essential that children have the right clothing and footwear, especially this time of year (we will go out in all weathers, except in extreme conditions (heavy wind and severe rain). Children must have appropriate clothing and warm shoes.
Spring 1:
Week 5 Tue 4th Feb: 4EB Wed 5th Feb: 4JJ Thu 6th Feb: 3IP
Week 6 Tue 11th Feb: 5CH Wed 12th Feb: 5RC Thu 13th Feb: 1MO
Spring 2:
Week 1 Tue 25th Feb: 1NE Wed 26th Feb: 2SK Thu 27th Feb: 2 MW
Week 2 Tues 4th March: 3FC Wed 5th March: 4JJ Thu 6th March: 3IP
Week 3 Tues 11th March: 4EB Wed 12th March: 5CH Thu 13th March: 5RC
Week 4 Tues 18th March: 1MO Wed 19th March: 1NE Thu 20th: 2SK
Week 5 Tues 25th March: 2MW Wed 26th March: 3FC Thu 27th March: 3IP
Week 6 Tues 1st April: 4EB Wed 2nd April: 4JJ Thu 3rd April: 5CH
Dates for your Diary
Friday 7th February- Time to Talk Day
Friday 7th February- NSPCC Number Day- come in wearing an item of clothing with numbers on and cash donations to NSPCC are very welcome.
Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th February- Parents Evening- please book via Arbor.
Friday 14th February- last day for this Half Term.
Monday 24th February- return to school
Friday 7th March- World Book Day
Improving attendance is everyone’s business. The barriers to accessing education are wide and complex, both within and beyond the school gates, and are often specific to individual pupils and families. At Co-op Academy New Islington, we will do all we can to support your family and ensure our academy is safe, calm and a supportive environment for your child. Let’s celebrate everyone’s success together.
Attendance Whole school: 96.3%
Winning class: 5RC - 100%
"Congratulations to class 5RC for the highest attendance this week!"
How can I improve my children’s attendance?
Follow NHS advice for any mild illnesses.
Promote good hand hygiene with your children.
Liaise with the Early Help team who will support you as a family.
Speaking to your child’s teacher as a collaborative approach is essential
Skills Builder
A good education that includesessential skills supports learnersto lead fulfilling and productivelives. Higher levels of skills likecreativity, problem solving orteamwork are associated withpositive life outcomes, as well ashigher levels of literacy,numeracy and academicattainment.
At Co-op Academy New Islington, we have implemented the Skill Builder framework to supplement our core education offer and ensure the children at our school have access to the highest quality personal development opportunities. For more information on what this scheme entails, please refer to
Nut Free School
Please can we remind everyone that New Islington is a nut freeschool due to some of our children having severe allergies. Pleasecheck the labels of food going into lunchboxes and snacks toensure that all our children are safe.
The office is open 8-4pm everyday.
Wraparound bookings
Please remember all bookings for breakfast and after school club must be booked on Arbor. Breakfast club must be booked before 5pm the previous day and after school club must be booked before midday on the day. The office cannot guarantee a place is available after this time.
To keep updated on all things New Islington, please follow us on our Facebook