New Islington News - Edition 8
Attendance for this week - we are doing great!
Overall: 95.87% (up on last week - second week in a row with improved attendance)
Year 6: 95.28% (up on last week - improvements second week in a row. Fantastic!)
Year 5: 95.03% (up on last week - keep this going!)
Year 4: 97.125% (up on last week - improvements second week in a row. Fantastic!)
Year 3: 95.24% (up on last week - keep this going!)
Year 2: 95.25% (up on last week - keep this going!)
Year 1: 95.25% (in line with last week)
EYFS: 97.01% (up on last week - improvements second week in a row. Fantastic!)
The overall winner this week is Rec NE with an overall attendance of 97.53%.
Late arrivals: Over the last 5 mornings, we have had 69 pupils arriving after the start of lessons. Let's work together to reduce this rapidly.
Coming up: Please refer to the school calendar and the News and Letters section of our website
20th: Health screening for EYFS and Year 6
21st: Year 4 Chocolatier experience - please pop onto Arbor to pay
23rd: Year 5&6 road safety drama / after school bike checks
30th: Parent workshop on our behaviour approaches and Zones of Regulation
Check out our new galleries:
Advance notice: ELFRIDGES IS RETURNING TO NEW ISLINGTON......look out for information coming your way!