New Islington News - Edition 6
Please keep an eye on the school calendar to keep up-to-date with events.
New events added: Year 5 Peter and the Wolf concert, Year 4 Chocolatier workshop.
Attendance: As always, we track our attendance and the number of pupils who arrive late. Every minute and every day counts; progress and academic outcomes are affected by poor attendance.
Please see more information about the importance of regular attendance here:
This week our attendance at our school has been:
Overall: 95.3%
Year 6: 92.5%
Year 5: 95.6%
Year 4: 96.2%
Year 3: 97.0%
Year 2: 96.8%
Year 1: 93.7%
EYFS: 95.0%
The class with the best overall attendance this week is Year 3IP/LR with an overall attendance for the week of 98.9%
Thank you: Our disco was a huge success - many thanks to the Disco Committee of enthusiastic parents! We raised a whopping £618 which completes our classroom Book Nook project. Each class will have a set of beautiful age-appropriate books to read.
Coming up: Parents are invited to a presentation on our behaviour policy and our new approach to emotional regulation - Zones of Regulation. This will be really informative for everyone. The presentation is on Thursday 30th November. Please arrive promptly at 9:00.
Please see the attached PDF for more information or click this link:
Forest school dates: