New Islington News - edition 5
Let's start with some thanks:
To the staff team who have worked so hard to give your children an excellent start to the new academic year.
To our families for your generous donations to the Manchester Central Foodbank.
To our families who attended our Reading Presentation (presentation attached below) and our Learning Alongside workshops - we hope that you enjoyed your time in school with us!
A few important updates and dates for your diary.
Take part in the two Co-op Academies Trust competitions for Black History Month - celebrating our sisters.
A second Flu Vaccination session will take place on Wednesday 29th November, to catch up with those children who missed the first visit. We will be given more forms, and these can be collected after half-term. We will send out more information after the holiday.
Save the date - Thursday 30th November at 9am - parent workshop of behaviour and zones of regulation. More details to follow, but this will be an informative and enlightening session for all our families.
Poppies will be on sale from Monday 6th November.
Christmas Holiday Camps - these will be running for the week beginning 18th December if there are enough bookings. Please email your interest as soon as possible to:
We will join the 'Children in Need' fundraising event on Friday 17th November. Look out for more details nearer the time.
Parents' Evening is fast approaching. You will be able to book your appointment via the Arbor app. You will need to click the 'Guardian Consultation' button. The appointments will be available to book from Monday 30th October. Year 6LB and Year 5CL will have a later date for parents' evening due to staffing changes - your new dates are 5th and 7th December and you will be able to book one week beforehand.
If you are eligible for the holiday food vouchers, please check your email to access this funding.
A few reminders:
Attendance: Congratulations to those pupils who have a 100% attendance record! You deserve your certificates!
After half-term, we will increase our monitoring of late arrivals - there are too many pupils arriving after lessons have started. Please make a concerted effort to get to school by 8:45, ready for the doors to open at 8:50.
From now on, each week, we will be rewarding classes which have the highest overall attendance and also the classes which have the fewest late arrivals.
Going forward, no holidays during term time will be authorised and fines will be issued after 5 days of unauthorised absences.
And finally, we wish everyone in our school community a happy and restful holiday.
See you all back at school on Tuesday 31st October