New Islington News – Edition 33
Celebrating our children:
This week, the following children have been recognised for showing a good understanding of the Ways of Being Co-op: Basit, James and Stevie, Esme, Naci, Iker and Olivia, Abhay and Ege, Riley, Harvey, Morgan, Eliza and Austin, Evie, Nico and Kendal, George W and Quynh.
We welcomed our EYFS children into our assemblies, as part of their transition to year 1 programme.
Going Global Fundraising:
On Friday 30th June, the Year 3 team invite their parents in to experience a three course Italian meal, all part of their learning about Italian Cuisine in the Going Global topic. Come along at 2:30 to join us for this feast! As you know, we are fundraising to support The Destiny Grace Academy in Sierra Leone. We would appreciate a donation on the day to support this cause.
On Tuesday 11th July at 2:45 our Year 1 and 2 invite their parents in, to celebrate the children’s work and also raise money for our link school, Destiny Grace Academy in Sierra Leone.
Year 1 will be showcasing their art in a gallery, and signed pieces will be on sale for £1:00
Year 2 will be showcasing their African instruments and music (£1 a ticket)
Come along to support your children, and raise funds for Destiny Grace Academy!
Strike Action:
Further Strike Action is planned for Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July. Details of which classes are open and which are closed will be sent separately to this newsletter.
However, the knock on effect is that our Year 6 pupils who would have had their Transition Day to their High School on Wednesday 5th July will now have this Transition Day on Thursday 6th July. Families should look out for information from the High Schools as this is organised independently from us.
Secondly, our wonderful Going Global Day when children and parents come to school wearing the traditional dress of your home country – scheduled for Friday 7th – now needs to be moved to Tuesday 18th July.
Sports Day:
Our EYFS and Key Stage One classes will have their Sports day on Friday 14th in the morning – starting at 9:30. Our Key Stage Two classes will have their event in the afternoon, starting at 1:30. (Please note this is a change in running order) Parents will be notified of the team colours next week, to give plenty of time to find / borrow a coloured t-shirt. Parents are very welcome to come along and support the teams.
Ready Set Read:
Look out for the poster that has been shared with our families, giving details of this summer’s Reading Challenge. This is a free event run by local libraries and we encourage families to go along and sign up!
More information here:
Key dates and information about events can be found here:
Tuesday 27th June – Stepping Stones Meet the Teacher morning. This is for our new Reception pupils and their parents who will be with us in September
Wednesday 28th June – Year 6 (half the class) to Manchester City Art Gallery for a workshop (free of charge)
Thursday 29th June – Year 3JM trip to Rudy’s to experience life in a real restaurant
Friday 30th June – The Halle are bringing instruments and musicians to our school! This will be a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to experience professional musicians playing music from around the world.
Friday 30th June – Invitation to our Italian Food Tasting Experience
The Year 3 team have been learning all about Italian Cuisine in our recent topic Going Global. As part of this we are hosting an Italian Food Tasting Experience for parents on Friday 30th June from 2:30pm The children will be making a 3 course tasting menu and would love it if you could join us for this feast! As you know, we are fundraising to support The Destiny Grace Academy in Sierra Leone. We would appreciate a donation on the day to support this cause.
Wednesday 5th July – Strike Day. Please refer to the letter sent out separately
Friday 7th July – Strike Day. Please refer to the letter sent out separately
Friday 7th July – Going Global: a celebration of cultures. Postponed to Tuesday 18th July
Monday 10th, Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th July – dance workshops for all our classes (free of charge) to fit in with our Going Global project
Tuesday 11th July – At 2:45 our Year 1 and 2 invite their parents in, to celebrate the children’s work and also raise money for our link school, Destiny Grace Academy in Sierra Leone. Year 1 will be showcasing their art in a gallery, and signed pieces will be on sale for £1:00 Year 2 will be showcasing their African instruments and music (£1 a ticket) Come along to support your children, and raise funds for Destiny Grace Academy!
Wednesday 12th July – EYFS and KS1 musicathon 9:30 start – parents welcome – arrive for 9:30
Friday 14th July – Sports Day (EYFS and KS1 in the morning and KS2 in the afternoon) Families welcome. The events will kick off at 9:30 and 1:30 respectively and will last about 1.5 hours. Please note the running order has changed.
Monday 17th July – Open Day from 3:30 to 5:00. Come along and have a look through your child’s work, and chat to the teacher. Our new teachers will be here too, so that you can come and introduce yourselves.
Tuesday 18th July – Rearranged Going Global: a celebration of cultures. Children are invited to come to school wearing the traditional dress of your home country. It would be lovely to come along with interesting facts to share. Parents are welcome to come along at drop off and pick up wearing traditional dress too.
Wednesday 19th July – KS23 musicathon 9:30 start – parents welcome – arrive for 9:30
Friday 21st July – Year 6 Leavers Assembly – 9:15 This is for our Year 6 parents only.
Friday 21st July – School closes for the Summer Holiday at 1:00. There will be no Wraparound Club
Forest School
Children should come to school on Forest School days in the appropriate clothing and footwear.
Please refer to letters previously sent home or ask your child’s teacher for clarification.
- 26/6/23 Year 2JJ
- 3/7/23 Year 5LB
- 10/7/23 Year 2 AO
- 17/7/23 Year 4LB
- 7/7/23 Year 4AO
Reception ZI Fridays week A
Reception NE Fridays week B
Safeguarding concerns should be directed to Karen Reveley who is our Designated Safeguarding Lead ( or to Tabitha Smith ( who is our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Outside of school hours, phone 999 with urgent welfare concerns, or call Advice and Guidance on 0161 234 5001.
You can also report a concern via our website: