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PE and Sport

The Government provides all schools with additional funding that is to be ‘ring fenced’ for improving the provision of PE and sport.

The amount each school receives is calculated by reference to the number of children on roll.
Schools are accountable for how this money is spent; the amount we received in the year 2023/24 was £19,680.

As a result of this dedicated, ring fenced funding, it is expected that schools will see an improvement of provision and opportunity against 5 Key Indicators:

1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
2. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
3. Increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
4. Provide a broader range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
5. Increase participation in competitive sport

Dedicated PE Lead Teacher to drive improvements
We have appointed a teacher to lead the development of sport at the school. Over the course of the academic year 2023/24 we have seen an exciting and sustainable transformation of sporting provision across the school.

The following is a snapshot of some of these changes:
• Purchased Real PE legacy package to offer staff CPD
• All staff trained in the delivery of Real PE
• All new staff trained in Real PE
• TA’s attended a sports leadership course to up skill 5/6 sport leaders
• Children from Years 1-6 offered lunchtime coaching session at least twice/week ·
• Sports Ambassadors working with the lunchtime coaches and promoting activities
• New boys football team developed coached by external coach 
• New girls football team developed coached by external coach 
• Attend PE association ‘Inspire’ Festivals
• Resources enhanced
• Introduced the Daily Mile across the school
• Manchester City Coach secured to work one day/week alongside staff PE sessions and offer extra-curricular sessions.
• Football After School Club introduced
• Sports Kits purchased to represent the school at sporting events – sponsorship agreed with a local company

Swimming at New Islington

In collaboration with the Local Authority, we take our Year 4 class every week to the pools at East Manchester Leisure Centre, Beswick. The Local Authority advice is that Year 4 is the optimum age group to take, and that it is most effective to give them the full year of lessons.

We continue to encourage our pupils to swim regularly and the downloads below reflect their standards, although we do not use Sports Premium Funding to provide additional lessons beyond Year 4.