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Homework & Home Learning

At New Islington, homework plays an integral role in both reinforcing, consolidating and extending learning achieved at school and also in strengthening the working partnership between parents and teachers.

Homework should always be purposeful and meaningful.

Purpose of Homework

• To help children to develop the skills and attitudes they will need for successful lifelong learning
• To support the development of independent learning skills
• To reinforce and consolidate concepts which have been learned in school
• To supplement and extend work undertaken in school by providing extra dimensions not easily achievable in school.
• To increase parental awareness of what the children are learning in school
• To capitalise on parents’ enthusiasm to become involved in their children’s work and take advantage of the individual attention that family members can give their own child in their own home
• To foster the child’s sense of responsibility


All children are expected and encouraged to read with their parents on a daily basis. The amount a child reads every night is very individual. We do not want reading to become a chore! Reading alongside (adult voice and child voice together) a tired little one is just as valuable as them reading alone to you. Take it in turns to read. Ring the changes about where and when you read!

Parents are encouraged to make notes in the ‘reading record’ for our younger pupils; a simple comment about how the child read (in terms of confidence, accuracy and fluency) is a helpful guide for teachers.

Reading with your child is just as crucial throughout Key Stage Two as in the early years of a child’s education.

In EYFS and Key Stage One, your child’s teacher will inform you about when reading books will be changed. Our older pupils are expected to make those decisions for themselves, under the guidance of their teacher.  

We believe that parents should continue to read high quality texts to their children as well – a night time story, even as your children get older, can bring enjoyment and a sense of closeness – as well as develop vocabulary and widen horizons. 


Younger children will have letter sounds to practice at home.


Spellings are sent home to be learned and then applied in written work. These are included in the half termly homework.


Tables should be practised at home daily with parents. The teachers will inform parents which tables to practise. However there is an expectation that by the end of Year 4, all pupils will be able to confidently recall all tables and their inverse up to 12×12.

We are here to help and support parents with homework. Come in to see your child’s teacher if you have any questions.